The Triple Layer Business Model Canvas - integration of economic, environmental, and social elements

Alexander Joyce, Raymond Paquin and Yves Pigneur Triple-layer Business Model was introduced at the 1st ARTEM Organizational Creativity International Conference on 26-27 March 2015 in Nancy, France.

Titel: The Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas a symbiotic integration of economic, environmental, and social elements.

The Triple Layered Business Model aims to support organisations that wish to innovate upon their current business models and create more sustainable business models. A sustainable business model adds an environmental and social layer to the economic layer, all three of which influence each other crosswise. Far from being a mere obligation, the social and environmental dimensions offer fertile ground for innovation and the discovery of new possibilities.

Alexander Joyce, Raymond Paquin and Yves Pigneur Triple-layer Business Model was introduced at the 1st ARTEM Organizational Creativity International Conference on 26-27 March 2015 in Nancy, France. The three scholars' paper, "The Triple Layered Business Model Canvas: A Tool to Design More Sustainable Business Models," discusses simultaneously improving a business model for economic, environmental, and social benefits. They are all experts in the fields of design thinking, business model innovation, and sustainability. Here are some brief summaries of their credentials:

Alexandre Joyce is a designer, strategist, and facilitator who holds a PhD from Concordia University where he developed the practice of design thinking applied to innovative business models. He has been offering services of design sprint in Quebec since 2016 and has worked with clients such as Hydro-Québec, CAA, and Desjardins.

Raymond Paquin is a professor of management at Concordia University since 2008 and a former editor-in-chief of the journal Systèmes d’Information & Management. He has a DBA from Boston University School of Management and has been a visiting professor at several universities around the world. His research focuses on how firms create collaborative environmental, social, and economic value through interfirm networks, industrial symbiosis, and business model innovation.

Yves Pigneur is an honorary professor at the University of Lausanne and a former editor-in-chief of the academic journal Communications of the Association for Information Systems. He has a PhD from the University of Namur and has been a visiting professor at National University of Singapore and HEC Montréal. He is the co-inventor of the Business Model Canvas and other visual tools used by millions of entrepreneurs and innovators. He is also one of the world’s 50 most influential management thinkers ranked by Thinkers50 and holds its Strategy Award.

The triple-layer sustainable business model elaborates on the one-layer business model canvas, which Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur published in 2010. You can see the one-layer Business Canvas model on this channel. The link is placed below the film.

Business Canvas Model developed by Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur (

Download the model (PowerPoint) from our website with comments from the author, Alexandre Joyce.


Here is the most cited article to share the triple-layered business model canvas work: